Wednesday, June 01, 2005


The doorbell rings and he's up like that, pressed to the wall of the living room. Quick door-check: gauzy shadow through the curtain. Subject no more than five five. He runs through the day's itinerary. He's not expecting anyone. He doesn't know anyone five five. Time: eleven oh five.

He pads to the door ISF (In Stocking Feet). Stays in the shade. Sunlight outlining pillars of dust in the air. Steps over floorboard that has PTS (Propensity To Squeak) and stands beside door. Listens. Birds (two, maybe three—a jay, sparrows) and a lawnmower (push-type) halfway up the block. Subject not moving. Subject making no sound. He puts his hand on knob. Still has full-on EOS (Element Of Surprise). Grips the knob. Quarter turn CW (clockwise). Subject immobile. A second quarter turn CW. Subject inattentive. Bolt is fully withdrawn. Subject turns to street and back to house. Knob turned to completion, throws door open approximately halfway.

Subject appears startled. Subject attempts to look past him into the house. He moves to block UAVI (Unauthorized Visual Inspection). Subject dressed as follows: loose, "baggy" trousers, blue; green "T-shirt;" light blue sweatshirt. Subject exhibits NFSH (No Fixed Style of Hair), overlong (half-inch over top of ear covered). He looked at Subject, a boy.

"State your business."

Subject shifts uncomfortably in loosely laced, rubber-soled shoes. "Yeah, is Jennifer home?"

He narrows his eyes at subject. Quick estimate of weight, reach, speed. "She's home, but unavailable."

Subject looks hurt. (Subject will be hurt if he doesn't vacate in ten seconds.) "She said to meet her here at eleven."

He looks at watch. Eleven oh seven. "You're late. She's unavailable." Subject looks inside house again. Starts to speak. Stops. "I suggest you leave before there's any more trouble." Subject has head down, sloppy turn, slow retreat. Door is shut. Position on couch assumed.

Jennifer walks into living room WFIH (With Food In Hand). "Was that


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